Коэффициент капиталовооруженности
Отно ше ние затрат капитала к затратам рабочей силы в экономике страны. Если затраты капитала увеличиваются теми же темпами, что и затраты труда, соотношение остается неизменным (см. Capital widening). Если затраты капитала растут быстрее, чем затраты рабочей силы, имеет место «углубление капитала» (см. Capital deepening).

Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "CAPITAL-LABOUR RATIO" в других словарях:

  • capital-intensive production — This refers to techniques of production , and represents the proportion of capital (machinery, equipment, inventories) relative to labour , measured by the capital labour ratio. The term is frequently used in the development literature to… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Capital accumulation — Most generally, the accumulation of capital refers simply to the gathering or amassment of objects of value; the increase in wealth; or the creation of wealth. Capital can be generally defined as assets invested with the expectation that their… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital, Volume I — is the first of three volumes in Karl Marx s monumental work, Das Kapital, and the only volume to be published during his lifetime. Originally published in 1867, Marx s aim in Capital, Volume I is to uncover and explain the laws specific to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Labour economics — seeks to understand the functioning of the market and dynamics for labour. Labour markets function through the interaction of workers and employers. Labour economics looks at the suppliers of labour services (workers), the demanders of labour… …   Wikipedia

  • organic composition of capital — The ratio between constant and variable capital in total capital , measured in value terms. In lay terms this can be understood as the capital/labour ratio, or the proportion of output contributed by raw materials, machinery and other inputs,… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Labour productivity — is defined by the OECD to be the ratio of a volume measure of output to a volume measure of input OECD Manual: “Measuring Productivity; Measurement of Aggregate and Industry Level Productivity Growth.” (2002) Volume measures of output are… …   Wikipedia

  • capital and interest — ▪ economics Introduction       in economics, a stock of resources that may be employed in the production of goods and services and the price paid for the use of credit or money, respectively.       Capital in economics is a word of many meanings …   Universalium

  • capital-intensive — Denoting a technique of production that requires a high ratio of capital to labour costs. Compare labour intensive …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Organic composition of capital — Part of a series on Marxism …   Wikipedia

  • Abstract labour and concrete labour — Part of a series on Marxism …   Wikipedia

  • Productive and unproductive labour — were concepts used in classical political economy mainly in the 18th and 19th century, which survive today to some extent in modern management discussions, economic sociology and Marxist or Marxian economic analysis. The concepts strongly… …   Wikipedia

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